Are you addicted to children’s books? I am!!! Nothing is more thrilling than finding a new book to use as a teaching tool. For the EAST Conference in 2018, I created a list of books that teach about people who have made an impact in their communities. Some were teachers while others Nobel Laureates. Some were children. Most are true. They serve as shining real world examples of the impact your students can have today or in the future to solve social, economic or environmental problems. This list can spur ideas to make a difference in local communities across Arkansas or around the globe. Check out these books and ask your librarian to order them — Stories of Change Agents. Check out this TED Radio Hour podcast on Changing the World to explore ideas on activism.
Discover Arkansas connections. Which change maker studied on a Fulbright Scholarship? Which one studied at the Clinton School of Public Service? Which ones were teachers? Which ones were Nobel Laureates? Which ones uses scientific knowledge? Which one created the concept of microloans whiles others were beneficiaries? Who studied economics? Who had a huge environmental impact? Which one has a Netflix movie being made about him?
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