We don’t think of Africa when we think of startups. But this article describes how Tunisia is attempting to support startups as a way to employ their large number of unemployed educated young people. Educators might compare the obstacles in Tunisia to those in their own countries. It also tells about the Global Entrepreneurship Index published by the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute. Analysis of global findings could be eye opening to students in the middle of the US! https://www.ozy.com/acumen/the-unlikely-hotbed-for-african-entrepreneurs/86977?utm_source=dd&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=06192018&variable=7bb34814c5f77f7219a1fe98d188401b
This article will teach your students what an agripreneur is! Why does a data scientist study bees? https://www.ozy.com/rising-stars/the-data-engineer-on-a-mission-to-save-tunisias-bees/87037?li_source=LI&li_medium=default-widget A great children’s book that teaches about Lalibebela, Ethiopia and the power of grit, expecially for females, is The Best Beekeeper of Lalibela: A Tale From Africa by Cristina Kessler.
Check out this story on entrepreneurship in Mexico and the financing of their startup culture. Perhaps some of your Latino students would connect with this. https://www.ozy.com/fast-forward/the-rise-of-mexicos-high-tech-entrepreneurial-generation/86434
I have found OZY to be a very eclectic news source. They are not long and have nice graphics so your students will enjoy them. And they have varied and interesting topics with nice stats, maps, and interesting information. They also have podcasts you can assign.
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