Did you know that Now DX, a startup in Springdale, is working to save you money and fewer doctor’s office visits?  Is that a NICE idea?  Imagine, using a home health test to see if your child has strep throat.  When diagnosed, you go straight to the pharmacy for your antibiotic.  No time in the doctor’s office exposing your child to other illnesses; diagnosed from the comfort of your home in the middle of the night; and saving money with no office visit; and the test kit is covered by insurance.  No, it is not a dream!  It is ALMOST a reality.  The Startup Culture in the Classroom tours visited Now DX on Monday, March 12, 2018.  The educators on the tour were impressed and eager to share with their students.

This company hires scientists and chemical engineers for the product development and business students for marketing design.  Expect to see the product on the shelves soon.  The first will be a pregnancy test but the others are being developed.  Wish them Godspeed!


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