This daily news source has podcasts on variety of topics of interest to budding entrepreneurs.  Topics include Workplace Culture where students can learn tips such as how to survive in open work spaces or about work schedules in the gig economy.  In the How We Survive section read about or listen to their thoughts on the use of technology to adopt to changing climates.  Learn tips for money management in Thi$ is Uncomfortable. Marketplace Tech demystifies the tech economy — so they claim! Learn how the CEO of Duolingo harnessed our game addiction for good.  Do you think that the US immigrants are uneducated?  Check out this podcast to get the stats!

I am sharing this news media source because I listen daily and learn something of interest each day.  They have special sections that include topics of interest to your students as they prepare for the workplace.  I suggest that educators listen to Marketplace on their drive to work via NPR or the podcast.

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