Virtual Reality – Elon Musk – Bitcoin – Design Thinking – Blockchain – GDPR – Data Science – Capitalism – Big Date – Facebook – Surveillance Economy –  Space Economics!  Wow!  Do you know what all of these terms mean or why they are important to your students’ futures?  Is it important for aspiring entrepreneurs to understand our market economy and the new trends for the future?  Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly cover all of these topics and more on podcasts that are short and timely.  They take tough topics and make them understandable to anyone.  Kai Ryssdal is the host and senior editor of Marketplace, the most widely heard program on business and the economy in the country.  He interviews CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, start-up entrepreneurs, small business owners, and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his broadcast career he served in the United States Navy and the United States Foreign Service.  Molly Wood is host of Marketplace Tech and senior tech correspondent.  What a knowledgeable team to educate your students!  I would love your feedback on how you use these resources and in what classes.  I have found my college students prefer to listen to or watch news. 

I listen regularly to Marketplace and was intrigued with Make Me Smart since I always want to be smarter. But now I need to take a staycation just to listen to the many episodes I missed.  Bill Gates and Warren Buffett take reading vacations.  Maybe I need a listening vacation.  Or I guess I could listen while exercising but that would mean I need to exercise.  I hope you will share your listening tips.

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