Invest in Girls is a curriculum for high school girls offered through the Council for Economic Education. The objective is to provide financial knowledge and introduce career possibilities in a field where females are underrepresented. It includes three modules:

  • Becoming the CFO of Your Life: Discover your money personality, learn about money management, savings, goals, and credit.
  • Becoming the CIO of Your Life: Learn about investing, retirement, ROI and careers in the financial services sector.
  • Becoming the CEO of Your Life: Explore college, career paths, jobs, income and insurance.

Economics Arkansas can provide seed funding for the program.  Before committing, I need feedback from you.  Would your high school girls be interested?  When would we have it?  Would it be in person or online?  Would a field trip be advised?  Could it be online and after school?  Or a day in the summer or in the fall?

I would love online comments but private emails accepted also.

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