Join Beautiful Lives Boutique as they host Anna Taylor, a former University of Arkansas student, who started a social enterprise in Kenya called Judith and James.  Anna wanted to help the unemployed women in Kenya so she founded a company that would hire them to sew clothing.  Anna, a design major, created clothing using typical fabrics in designs desired by Western customers.  Her work has received lots of acclaim.  Judith is her first seamstress and James has the Bible verse that motivated her on this social mission.

During March, Beautiful Lives Boutique is highlighting James 127 Foundation as their nonprofit partner.  BLB will be zooming with Anna at two different times this month to learn about her vocational sewing program with vulnerable women in Kenya.  I hope to see you there!  I’ll see if they can record it and save it for sharing with your students.

Show this film, Little Stones, to your students to learn more of Anna’s story.

Information to join the Zoom session:

James 127 Foundation zoom dates are:

Wednesday, March 10th at 11:30 am

Saturday, March 27th, at 9:30 am

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