Walmart Museum Virtual Tour with Learning Activity

Walmart Museum Virtual Tour with Learning Activity

Is traveling to Bentonville to the Walton 5&10 too expensive or time consuming for your students? Are you face-to-face, virtual or combined with your students? Are you searching for meaningful activities to engage your students? Take a look at the virtual Walton 5&10 Museum on the Bentonville Square. You can teach a lot about the history or Walmart, Sam Walton and his team, and the guiding principles that drove the emersion of this little known company.

Engage Your 5th to 8th Grade Students with a Statewide Entrepreneurship Competition

Engage Your 5th to 8th Grade Students with a Statewide Entrepreneurship Competition

Engage your 5th to 8th grade students in the entrepreneurial way of thinking! Make learning and creating a fun competition that can result in money for the teacher and students. Weather you are online or face-to-face, this curriculum is great fun and valuable for integrating economics, entrepreneurship, literacy, mathematics and critical thinking. Join the fun! Many thanks to Arkansas Capital.