Thanks to Startup Junkie and the Walton Family Foundation, 3rd to12th grade students in NWA can practice entrepreneurial thinking through real-world business practice.  Though the national Lemonade Day is in early May, learners in NWA can participate in the program whenever it fits their curriculum.

Participants of Lemonade Day NWA can learn via Lemonopolis (online game) or through student journals and teacher led activities.  Students design lemonade stands, create their products, determine a budget, apply for a loan, select a stand location, develop their marketing, operate their business, pay back their loan (hopefully) with interest, and then decide how to spend their profits.  Profits are often spent, shared and sometimes even saved or invested.  Stand locations can be near a local retailer or park, a city square, or at a school event.  Individuals, families or schools are invited to participate.  Organizations such as after-school programs, Boys and Girls Club, or home schools find meaning in the pursuit of a collaborative goal. Some classes are mentored by Leadership Walton college students who attend the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.

Entrepreneurship education involves learners in relevant creative and critical thinking as well as real-world problem solving. The decisions are student driven and therefore authentic and meaningful.  Teachers connect the business operation with literature such as The Lemonade Wars.  Add this learning experience to your curriculum this year!  Step back and enjoy your student engagement.  This makes a great after-testing engaging activity.

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