Teachers have the best ideas that they use everyday to make learning meaningful and relevant to their students.  Unfortunately, these ideas are not always shared with other educators.  I visited Heather Grosze’s business education classes and found this activity/bulletin board that she created filled with thoughts from her students.  This was at the beginning of the school year.  It challenged students to think about what it is that they would like to do — if they were not afraid of failing.  Entrepreneurs wear failure as badges of honor.  Failure is simply what did not work.  Learn from it and move on!  Many classes simply look for correct answers to questions.  In entrepreneurship we want to encourage calculated risks.  We want the students to identify problems and bring new ideas to the market.  By starting the year with an activity such as this, Heather was challenging her students to truly think about what it is they would like to one day accomplish.

I thoroughly enjoyed the comments from the students.  By reading them, you can see what life events have already influenced their thinking.  You can see that some are concerned about social events in their lives — while others are concerned about their family — while others are thinking about world events.  

Heather kindly provided everything needed to make it easy for a teacher to replicate the activity.  It can be found in the Entrepreneurship: Building Arkansas GRIT livebinder.

Dare to Learn Introductory Video

Dare to Learn Natasha Burton’s Story

Dare to Learn Mayim Bailik’s Story


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