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Featuring African American Businesses Across Arkansas: Legacy and Startups
Arkansas is known for its entrepreneurs. We often think of the well known ones such as Charles Murphy, Jr., Sam Walton, J.B. Hunt, William Dillard and others. But there are some very interesting stories of African American entrepreneurs in Arkansas. Join us for an hour Zoom to learn about entrepreneurs from the Delta to the Ozarks. Receive curricula, books, PD, and have fun. Resources will be provided for you to share these stories with your students.
How does GOT, Labryinth, and Lord of the Rings Connect with West Fork, Arkansas?
How is West Fork, Arkansas connected with the Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings? Can your students turn a hobby into a business? Read about this international company tucked away in the hills of the Ozarks that can inspire readers, encourage chemists, motivate artists, and serve as an passion entrepreneur success story. Share Shire Post Mint with your students.
Creatives & Artrepreneurs in YOUR Classes
Have you discovered the students in your classes who thrive when given opportunities to be creative in the school setting? Have you wondered how those students will use their skills in their careers? Attend this hour long professional development for information on 'creatives' and to learn what opportunities support them in Arkansas.